Scholarship Information

A limited number of scholarships are available.

If your organization is unwilling to invest in this learning opportunity at the full registration fee and you are cannot afford personal payment of the full registration fee, we offer scholarships.

Applications due by July 10, 2014 at 5pm

To apply, please answer the questions below.

    Name (required)


    Cell Phone (if different)

    Email (required)


    What is the financial situation regarding payment?

    Indicate the amount that you or your agency is able to pay:

    Indicate the amount of scholarship requested:

    What's the gist of your work? What excites you about it?

    Why are you interested in participating in this seminar series?

    What are some areas at work and life where you would like to be “Show up, Be seen, Be brave?”

    What seems to be holding you back? (fear of ____, perfectionism, lack of knowledge, lack of energy, fluctuations in commitment etc)

    What are some of your talents and skills?

    Anything else we should know?

    Please prove you're a human by answering this simple math problem: